. OF HAPPINiS. ' 493 ------r-------1--- fromguilt, ~y thebloudof theLambe , and frotn cqr– ruption,bytheboJy Ghoft, . yea, there is a new Light,as a newEyepHite.d in the vn– derftanding,, exceedingly ,quickened and enlarged to a fpaciotis view .ofTruth, .and Olorie. Likewife, new Vertue anoy'ntefh and be– deweth the Will, fieeping and feafo,ning it in aDiuine Nat.ure, by "'·hieh it excel– lently· a~reeth in harmonie with the will of God,~ncl is holyas he·eis holy. In the puritie of Subll:ance, the · Soule Jhall be highly clari– fied, vntill it becapeable of the vpperm()fl: and chiefefi Light. And thebody{hall , I qee liftedvp into apropor· . , . · Y 3 tion · ., ~- ~------~~--------~---- .. 'I