l 494 ! . , I ---- THE ARTE ' don with the Soule; for the body fhall then bee a /piri- . tuaii Body : euen a Body like a Soule; euen fo .pure !hall they both bee, that they fhalladmitintothem· felueSthe beames of the Fountaine of Light, vntill they bee filled with Light and Glorie. ·God wil) bee their Sunne, and hee will fhine into them as into Chriftall, and in his Light they (hall haue the fulneffe of Light. Then lhall the Knowledge ofMan afcend into Perfet1ion,farre aboue thefe poore , ·pieced, and patched kno,vledges,which \Ve call Ar~s and Sciences. Eu~n the higheft Degree of – kno\yledge, which in th~s mt..