OF HAPPINES. 495 . ______ , _______--- n1ifiie time of Ignor:tnce& Irnper.fe £bon,iuftly holdeth the highefl: degree -of En1i· nence,{ball then be the botton1e and lo\vnes of this new kno\vl edge; ~nd then (ball it be knovr;ne-that this 1 kind ofLearning is of vfe, tnuch like to th;~t ofa LatJt· - horne. It may doe vs fer .. ·uicein this 'Night of Mans fall_and corruptio-n) but in the Orient brightneffe of the Kingdome of G lorie, · the new light. by furhioun– ting it,fhall make it vfele!Te, yea, <:Jarken and difcounte~ nance it. For whereas now wee doe but flutter 3bour -the branches, and extremi- - ties of Wifdome,then !hall . we bebold Wifdome in the - Y 4 roote: ______ .:._ _ __: _____ .,