)00 THE ArtTE \ Effences, is the moft: excel- 1 lent l-Iarmonie ; and , the mofl: excellent Eifences, are · Spirits ; and the Harmonie of Spirits is in the King– dom ofglory. This Mufike of Spirits e'Kceedingly ex– ceedeth the Mufike oflllor– tall voices; yea, that chiefe_ Mufike ofhearts,,vhichhe~ tween·men is calledFriend• fhip, andbetweene ~.1an & vVife 1 is called Mani1ge- ... Loue , is but a· counterfeit refemblance , and carries but fome fmall rellifhes of that Diuine and Celefl:iaH Harmony.Forin the ~!re· of Heauen, the S(J ints and L\ngels, euen the bleifed I Spirits.agre·e in a perfect V... nifon ,of Truth and Loue. Their