502 T R E A R. T E .thefe bkffed Soules,thinke I and vtter thoughts agrcea~! ble to the heart of Gon.. God,-that faw his vVorkes of Creation that they were good, and pleafedhirnfelfe \ in their goocfneife ; Now· I beholdeth his worke ofl BleHing and Glorification, 1 and reioyceth in rhe reft & I ioy which he bath giuen to I bis Beloued. The glorifi~d I Soules behold and admire · the Goodneffe and Mercie of ~od, thatgaue not only , the \vorkes of the fixdaies, but the refl: of the Seuenth I t~ rebellious dufi}and finful l afhes. In the infinite Loue 1 of God, their loue fiill fie e.. peth and drovvneth it felfe ; and t.he n1ore it feeth ,rhe Loue\