Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

THE ~ AltTE I _ , _______ \ in continuance , as it is tn ex~ent, there iffues from the ~ Deitie , into the glorified Sou1es)the fap and nourilh· _ ment of ao erernall Life. · , The Tree of Life nourilh– etheternally the branches ofthe fame Tree; Death is fwallowed vp intovittpry, and it felfe dyeth by the Word which is Life. But the Soules partakers o ' God, from him who is E– ternall, doe fucke Ecernitie, 1 and fo become that .King– dome,. whereof there is no end. And yet thisjs not all of that inexpreflible Feli- . drie, but the greatefl: and chiefefi isyet lefi: in fi lence: for that m~fr grea– teft: which cannot enter into\ ,