Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

0 F H A p p I N E s. ')0) . to the heart of Man. But let the tt:anfcendence of chat w.hich is vnknowne,be · a double fpurre vnto vs in this Race of Happineife; . pne, becaufe it is craQfce;n-: Glent, another, becaufe vn· knowne.Let the Eminence prouoke our Ambitions, ,& , the Secrecie our Curiofi– ties. Let vs defire and firiue .ear,nefHy toenterinto ,that, · ' . \vhich now· by reafon of, wonderHdl excellencecan· not enterintovs. Let vs in– deuour carefu.l1y to walke in the lightof Grace,which will bring v.sto the full Re– uelation of the yet inaccef.. fible light of Glorie; where Happineife fhall at once beefully knowne,and fully enioyed. In , ·,