20 Narrati7le of and five months old. It was nine days from the first wounding in this miserable condition, without any refreshing of one nature or another, except a little cold water. I cannot but take notice, how at another time I could not bear to be in a room where a dead person was, but now the case is changed ; I must and could lie down with my dead babe all the night after. I have thought since, of the wonderful goodness of God to me, in preserving me so in the use of my reason and senses, in that distressed time, that I did not use wicked and violent means to end my own miserable life. In the morning, when they under- stood that my child was dead, they sent me home to my master's wigwam. (By my master in this writing must be un- derstood Quannopin, who was a Sagga- more, and married King Philip's wife's sister ; not that he first took me, but I was sold to him by a Narraganset In-