34 Narrative of I was at this time knitting a pair of white cotton stockings for my mistress, and I had not yet wrought upon the Sabbath day. When the Sabbath came they bid me go to work ; I told them it was Sab- bath day, and desired them to let me rest, and told them I would do as much more work to-morrow ; to which they answered me they would break my face. And here I cannot but take notice of the strange Providence of God in preserving the hea- then : They were many hundreds, old and young, some sick and some lame ; many had Papooses at their backs ; the greatest number at this time with us were Squaws, and they travelled with all they had, bag and baggage, and yet they got over this river aforesaid ; and on Monday they sat their wigwams on fire, and away they went ; on that very day came the English army after them to this river, and saw the smoke of their wigwams and yet this river put a stop to them. God