66 JV'arrative of came to me, and said they would knock me down if I stirred out again ; and so confined me to the wigwam. Now may I say with David, 2 Sam. 24. 4. I am in a great ftrait. If I keep in, I must die with hunger; and if I go out I must be knocked on the head. This distressed condition held that day, and half the next ; and then the Lord remembered me, whose mercies are great. Then came an Indian to me with a pair of stockings which were too big for him, and he would have me ravel them out, and knit them fit for him. I shewed myself will- ing, and bid him ask my mistress if I might go along with him a little way 2 She said yes, I might ; but I was not a little refreshed with that news, that I had my liberty again. Then I went along with him, and he gave me some roasted ground-nuts, which did again revive my feeble stomach. Being got out of her sight, I had time