Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

/ SERM· 8 Triumph of Faith. , 7~ the rince have it in his Mind to pardon twenty M efaetors, pis Grace is the Caufe why they are p rdoned, y~t '!re tpj;:y never in La'!' pard~ned, fo , · s they can m Law plead lmmumty, wh1le they . ~an produs,:e their Pripce's Royal fealed Pard~itl '. 5. The Properties of tbe Covenant I call, I. The Freedom pf it, confi.fting in_ Peri?n~, 2. Caufes. 3· Time. 4· M2nner of D1fpeniat1on. 1. Men. and not condemned Angels, are capable of this Covenant~ 2. Amongft Men, fame Nations, not;PfoJnz 147. 19, 20. 3· So many, not any other. 4· The Father, not the San; the Poor, not always Kings; the Fool, not the wife Man ; the Husband, not the Wife; not theie who cu..1er~ bidden to the Supper; bt~t :Beggars, hatt, withered, lame. 2. Caufes in the firft Covenant, ~here was Grace not deierving, and therefore now as the Law is propounded, it is a Purfevant of Grace, and the Goipel's Servant to ftand at Chrift's and the ~.diever's Back, as an attending Servant. 2. Yea, .ll4ercy untQ_ Thoufands, towards thofe who have but Evangelick Love to Chrift, cometh into . · the· Law, Chrift having (in a fort) married the. two Covenants, 3· I am the LorJ t hy God, Exod . 20~ Is Grace Handing at the Entry of the Door to thefe that are under the Law, to bring them out, but in the Gofpel all is unmixed Grace. 1. Not perfonal Obedience is my Heaven, but I ftand ftil!, and another doth all that may merit Glory. Chrift faith, 'JJo J1e but flanJ jlill, be!Jold me, mul foe, Friends, my Garments rolled in JJtood; I bind for 1'0U, only confent, put your !land to the Pen, but I am the only Undertaker to fight it out for you. 3· For 'l"ime, the firfi Breach of the Law is Wrath, and no Place by Law for Repentance • l