Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

SERM. 9 Tr4ttmph of Faith. 7~ on; the fubftantial Marriage and All iance between the two Houies of Heaven and Earth ; God and Clay. 2. He .is not ajhamed to ccttt them :Brethren, Ifeb. 2. I r. And why would he take Part of Flefh and Blood, bnt be,ca,ufe he would be a Child of our Houfe, Fer. 14. 3· He would be of Blood to us, not only come to the Sick, and to our Bed-fide, but' would ly down and be fick, tak- , ing on hitn fick Clay, and be in that Con~iticm of '" clay, a Worm and not a ,Man, that he mtght pay our Debts : and would borrow a Man's Heart and .Bowels to ftgh for us, Man's Eyes to weep f?r us, his Spoufe's Body~ Legs and Arms ~o be pterced for us ; our Earth, our Breath, our Life and Soul; that he might breathe out his Life for us; a Man's , Tongue and Soul to pray for us; and ye t he would remam God, that he might perfume the Obedic. ncc of a High Prieft with Heaven, and give to J uftice Bloo<il that chambered in the Veins and Body ofGod, in whom God had a perfonal Lodging. Ufe I. 0 what Love ! Chrift would not intruft our Redemption to Angels, to Mi llions of Angels, but he would come himfelt~ and in Perfon fuffer ; he would not give a low and bafe Price for us Clay1 . he would buy us with a great Ranfi>m, fv as he rnight over-buy us, and none could over-bid him in his Market for Souls; Ifthere had been Millions of moe Believers, and many Heavens without any new Bargain,hisBloodfhould have bought them all, ar.d all theie manyHeavens fhould have fmel]ed one Rofe of Life ; ChriH: .Ihould have bf:en one and the fame Tree of Life in them all; 0 we underbid, and undervalue that Prince of Love, who did overv~lue us; we will not fell a~l we have to buy h1m, he fold all he had> and h1mfdf too, to buy U t;. · Ufe ) ' I