8o The Trial a1tdo SERM. 9 U{e 2. What an incomparable ·Thing mufl: the Mediator God-man be? There's no fil.i-:.· Creature, no exceil~nt one, but there's a Piece of Nothing, and Creature-Bafenefs\ and Creature-vanity in it, even a Thing cf Blood to the Mother-nothina of the Creation 'ofGod; there is no Rofe, but it ~ath , a Briar growmg out of it, except the Rofe of Sharon, the Flower of the Field, not planted with Hands, the So01 wjrhout . a Father (a,mJ who jhalt dectar~ his Generation?) A Rofe that fhould fmell, and caft out Odours for a MiJe of Earth, or for ten Miles would c}raw to it many .Beholders ; but if it Jhould fmel for the Bounds of the Half of the Earth, it ihould be more admirahk, the , F!ower that fprang out of the Ro?t o£".7~/fo, fpreads hts Beauty, and the Odouts ofh1s Myrrhe through Heaven and Earth: Could the Darknefs of Hell fiand and look on the Face of the Sun, Blacknefs of Darkne:fS fhould be better feen; but conveen all the little Pieces of the Creation, fnmrnon before Chriit fair Angels, aJl the Troops of the finlefs, glorified Spirit$, the broad Skies, f8.ir Heave·ns, lightfome Stars, all the delicious Rofes, Flowers,. Gardens, Meadows, Forrefts, Seas, Mountains, J)irds, all the excellent Sons of Adam, as they fnould have been, in the World of Innocen~y, and let them all ftand in their higheft Excellency before J efus Chrift ; the matchlds and trJ.nfcendent Glory of that great AtJ,' fhould turn the Worlds all into pure Nothing; what Wonder then that thts fame Lord Jefus be the Delight and Heave.n of all in it? Rev. 7· 1 7· The Lamb bath h1s Throne in the 1-lidft thereof, Rev. 22. 4· AmJ ' they jhall.fee his Face. They do nothing elfe, but tlare, gaze, and .behold his .Face for Ages, and ar~