SEB.. 13 . · Triumph ofFaith . ·:r I J. we are owmg much to God, he will now have husbands, and fons from us, and leggs, and arms ) ofwounded and Hain men from us,for the rent we o-we to t/;;e Lord of the vine11ard, for our conte~pt of the Gofpe./. Sheep] firft a word o. f Sheep; then of loft Sbe.,ep : I take no other rea.fons why the redeemed of the Lord are called fheep, than , are obvious in Scripture. . 1. :The jheep are paffive / crea:tures, and can do little ror themielves~ fo ea~/ believers in the , work of their fidvation : d 1. They have not of themfelves more knowledge of the fa ving way then ilieep, and,fo cal)tlot ... walk but as they are taught and led, P;aJ. ~.t I 9 ~ 3 3 ~ :Teach 'me o ·zorcf, Pfal. 25. 5./eaclmeitzthy truth, like a blind Man holding out his: hand 1 to his guide, fo they, PfaJ. 5· 8. Lorcl leact·we in thy rigkteoujiie(s._ z.'Tis not_common leading, but the leadmg of Children learnmg to go by ·~.n hold~ Hof. 11 . 1. when Ephraim was a chitcl,' 1 Jovect him. V er. 3· I taught Epbraim alfo togo,ta·king them by their arms ; hut Bphraim like a child. • · knew not his leader: Ylut tbey know not (faith the Lord) that 1 heater! them. 3· Leac1ing may fuppofe feme willingnefs but we mufi: b~ drawn :Job. o. 44~ No man can conze to me, except the Father rJraw bim, Cant. I. 4· 'ZJraw me, we wi!J, run after thee. 4· Thete is a Word of fpecial Grace, which is more then teaching, leading~ drawing; and that is leaning, Calllt. 8. ;. U~"hois this, tbat cometb upfrom the Wilrlernejs, leaning upon her belovecl. 5. There is a Word yet more, and that is bearing, Luke 1 5·· 5· When the good Shepherd hath fouad the loft Sheep He tayeth it on bis jboulclers 'With J'oy, Jfa. 46. 3· Hearken to me 0 .houfe of J'A.cob,. t~ml nU tlie rem- ~ ~ n~•