1 2.0 1he Trial and SEtt. I 3 are .ftrong, Eph. 6. 1 ?· And can do f!lt '.II:Jings, Phtt.. 4· I 3· Is nothmg but one contmuate AB: of Free-grace. or a long Cord or Cham of dependency on Chrift ; yea, Grace is Glory on the Wheels ; it's Glory like Wh~at in the Blade, in the Way in the flux and Tendency to the Ear and Harveft, depending on the ' continued Afpett of th'e Summer Sun of Righteoufnefs ; the new . Creature js the Iron in the Fire, Heaven in the Moulding and Framing, and lmdtr the Hammer ~md Tooles of Chrift, and a It.ofe in the Opening before it caH out its Leaves, and in this we are to have thefe Confiderations. · 1. Faith is leafurely to look to Chrift, in bringing his_ Work out of the Mould and taking the · new Shtp off the Stocks, as a perfected V eifel : We conceive erroneoufly that Faith only eyeth Chrift as pardoning ; and that it hath no Eye, na AB:ivitty and Influence on our own gracious AB:s wrought in us by Chrift ; but Faith is an Agent, as it is a Patient, and joyneth with Chrift and with free Will to an aB:ive Purifying of the Heart: It bdieveth Heaven, and worketh , Heaven. . · ~ z. We often go on imagi'ning that- we are in a Way of Back-Hiding, deferted Souls not confcious of the refleft Acts of believing, and longing for Chrift t~ink_ them~elves. Apoftates, when they are advancmg m thetr Way: In great Water-works, whete there be a .great multitude of Wheels, the Standing of fome five or fix, is the .Advancing of the Work in other twenty, · or forty Wheels : In defertion fome Wheels are at a Stand, and · move not; as often AB:s of feeling Joy, felf-Del1ght in the AClual beholding of Chrift, are