SER· t 3 Triumph of Faith. · 1 ~; our La"'JJ-right to Rig~r_eeuj1~efs C.:5 Glo~·y: Chnft, his alone gave the P·oce of Redempttan for us, no Garments were rolled in Blood for a Patent and rig~t to Heaven, but his only: His alone trod the Wine-prefs ofGod's Wrath; i:1 thoie tw~ Notions, Works of Holinefs have no footing in· the Work. _Jlut 3· As touching aCf:uat &tl·va.. tion, the Wav to it is Holinds, without which none can fee God. 'Tis exprdly commanded, Jie ye Hoty, as I am Hoty, 1 Pet. 1. r 9, 2tt>. and Rom. 6. 21. 1Jut being now made free from Sin, and become Servants to God, ye bave your Fruit unto Holinefs, ~the end Life evedafling, 2 Pet. i. ro. If you do thefe Things ye jbatl :'lever Pall, .for fo an entrancejhatt be mini(tred rmto you abundant~y, unto the everlafting KiJtgdom of our Lord and Saviour .7efus Chrift, Rev. :z.. 7· ifohim that ove1Acometh I r<Vitt give to eat of the :Tree of Life, which i!J in the midft of the Parttilife of God, Rev. ~· 21. '10 him that overcometh wilt 1 ,e:,rant to fit with me in my 'lhrone, even as I alfo ovei~came, and am Jet down with my Father on his Throne. They Anfwer, o·vercom.;. ing is bJ' Faith. But I reply; Faith to Liber-· tines is but a beliving that Chrift bath overcome in their Perfon and Place, for Faith is no more to ' them a Condition or Way to Salvation, than good Works: For Faith (fay they) is not Chrift ; Chrift only is the Way to Heaven, but this were a vain Promife; if overcoming were not, 1. A Duty required of us in time, upon the Performance whereof, we have an Entrance made to . IJife eternal. z. If ,overcoming - be but on:ly believing, and fo an AB: of the Soul only ; thofe to whom the Promiie is made, are to do no more · · but