Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

-:124 The Trial and ' SER. 13 but believe Chriit hath overcome the periecuting World for them, and yield, and in Profdfion deny the Faith, and accept of ~~nditions of Life, ~nd fo be foiled, and yet claim Right to the Promife, contrary to the intent of Chriir, Re·v. ii. 1 3· .who commendeth P ergamus for not ' denying the Faith. Now . in all th1s, as the walking in the )Vay to a fair Palace to dwell in it, in Honour ~nd Happinefs, cannot be the Pric~ the Ranfom, the Sum given to buy, RigJ:lt to · that Place, and to the Honour and Happinefs thereof; i(; neith~r can our walking . in the W..ay to Glory },e the P1·ice of Gl,ory. Obj. 3· :But we are javed by Chri(l's Merits !Jefore we can do any good lf/ork s, t hen J?;OOd HTorks come~h not to perfe8 and make up Saivation. An[. So are we in regard ofRight of Purchafe, faved before we' believe; yet that hinderetl'l not, but Faith is a way to Salvation. 2. This concludeth that good Works are no Caufe,or way, or Mean of cbtaining the Right (jus) of Purchafe to Redemp... tion, which we yield, but not that we are aEhrally :f:,l_v~d without walking in the way, called the way of Hotinejs which the Unclean jhatt not ptifs over, Ifa. x.xxv. 8. Odj. 4· 1Ve are to do good Works from the Prili~iple of the Love of Chr~(t conjlrai~ing !1:;, not from the Law commandmg, or dtrefltng t tS. An[. 1. Theff.: are no way contrary, the Re- ,. , generate from both Principles are to walk in Love :and Holinefs as Chrifl: did; the Law direB:ing is nG~ ~boii Jhed by Grace, or by Love to Chrift, and th1s 1s no other than the Reafoning ofold Libertims ; '.Pattl f:l id, Rrm1. vii. 6. Now we are delivere