Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

cJbe T A .B L E. SE R M 0 N III. How Chrift and his Grace cannot be hid, Iti fix Parti.•.' culars 1 Pag. I 2 1. In his Caufe 13 ~. In the good and evil CoQdition Spiritual of the Soul ib. 3· In the Joy of Chri£l's Prefence 14 4· In a ftncere Profeffion ib. 5· In th.e bearing down the Stirrings of a renewed Confc1ence . I 5 6. In Defertions. ' . r6 We are' to be obfequious and yielding -to· the Breathings of the Spirit . lh. Our Hearts are tQ be varioufly fuitable to the variou~ _ Operations of the Spirit, frotDr four Reafons I 7 Grace falleth on few I 8 Grace how rare and choice a Piece, in four Particulars - 19 Grace not uni11erfal and common to all ib. Nine Objections of the Arminian and natnral Man. Anfwered . z.o, z.r, 2.1. S i, R M 0~ N IV. Grace falleth often on the moft Gracelefs ' 2.2 Grace maketh a great Change, Three Reafons thereof 2.3 There's a 1ikeReafot'l for Grace on our Lord•s Part, to the vileft .of Men, as to Mofes; Dnniel, Paul .24 The fame Free-grace that we liave 1ere, we have it in Heaven in the State of Glory ib. In Heaven 'We reign by Grace, as by the fame we war here 25 The Jsjlified in Chrifl are cqrrected for in ib.· Xhe i urnace of Affiiction, th& Work-houfe of the ' Grace of Chrift; Four Grounds thereof z6 • .Mt·,