Triumph of Faith; SE RM 0 N XIV· LOft Sheep J Loft, is either underftood of the common Condition of all Men, and fo becauie all are the Heirs of Wrath, Eph. ii. Att· have finned, and come jhott of the Glory of God, Rom. iii. 2. 3· and fo are loft : But the Scripture intituleth Men, by that which they are m their own Efteem; as Mat. ix. I 3· I arn not come to ca!l the Righteous, but Sinners to Repentance. This may · feem to hold forth that there be fome Sin~ nen, and fome not Sinners, but right.s;ous, whereas none are Righteous that fiqneth n,)t, , Rom. iii. 10. But God giveth to Men the Tittle which they give themfelves, and fo loft here, is fuch as are loft in their own efteem ; for Chri.(t's Intention in coming in the Flefh, and dying is to feek and to fave the loft, Luke xix:·I o. In this Senfe, Mat. ix. I 3· and 1 Tim. i. 1 5. Chrifl came io fave Sinners, otherwife all the Houfe of lfrtiel are loft, Jer. I. · 6. My People have been loft Sheep, Ezek. iii. 4· Neither have ye fought that w hich was loft : Nor is this to be meant of the loft, confidered, as Redemption is purchafed, in this, Notion, Chriit , died for his Enemies, Rom. v. 1 o. the juft for the unjuft, I Pet. iii. a8. and for the Loft : But we are here led tp this, that theft at whofe Salvation Chri.ft bath a fpecia ~ aim, and whom he a8ually converteth ar,e firft · Sinners, and loft in their own Eyes, as is dear; Mat. ix I 3· I Tim. i. I 5· Luke x ix IO. It is one Thing to be loft, and a Sinner, and another Thing to be Self-loft; as many are loaded whp are not weary. and yet none are weary, bunrhey be load~d. I. All that Chriit 'onv~tteth are I . - Self-