Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

'r4~ 7he 'IYial and SE~t.: I-f , nets of .7acob, Gen. xxxii. 26. I will not let thee go tilt thou btefs me: Rain calmeth the fiormy Wind, to vent ou.t Words in a fad time, is !he Way of God's Ch1ldren, Pf. lxxxviii. 7· T hy ~zvrath lyeth hard upon me. v, 9· M_y Eye maurneth by reafon of mine Affii8ion : And what then ? Lord I ha·ve daily catted upon thee, I ha·ve (lretched out my hands to thee, Pfal. xxii. z. Chrift in the -Borders of Hell pray<Ki, tand prayed again, and djed praying. 5· She bath ib ll love to Chrift:, fat1d is not put from the Duty of adoring, I ' Pet. i. 8. Tf/';:;~·m ha 1Jim1. r,ot feen J1et ye love: The defeut- . ed SouJ [@eth little,. there muft qe love to Chrift, wh~re there is, I. Faith in the Dark ; Faith is - with Child of Love. z. Where the BeHever is willing, that his Pain, and his Hell may be matter of praifi 1g God, P(i;zl. lxxvii. 1 3· Who is fo great a God as our r;od. The Church was then aeferted, as the Pjatm cleareth. 6. She putteth Chrift in his Chair of State, and adoreth him: The deferred Soul faith, 1le what I will, he is 7~hovah tb~ Lord ; Confefn<>n is gooq in faddeft Defertion, .7ob vii. 20. I have finned, '!Vhat jhalt I do to thee,O prefer- 'Ver o/Man ! Lam. i. 1 -r. The (eed of Jacob is in a hard Cafe before e;od, and under Wrath, Ver. t 2, 13, 14. Yet V er. r6. The Lord is righteous, for I have finneJ : This maketh the Soul c.haritable . of God, how fad fo ever the D~fpeni"inion be. 7. She feeth it is a Trial, as is clear by her infbnt purfuing after Chrift, after many repulfe:-; : 'Tis great Mercy that God. cometh not . behind backs, and ftriketh not in the Dark, P{al~ l«xvii.