Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

14~ . . The'TriaJand. . S:nt ·I 9 near of Kmdred to Chrtfi, as tt JS rece1ved .m us, is but a Creature, and fo may. be made an Idol ' .· ;_ when we truft in it, and feek not Chrifi 6rft, and . , "before-created Grace : But believing and doing are Blood-Friends, 7ohn :ri. ::.6. U(e 1 . This wo,uld be heeded, tbat in Difficulties and Straits, we keep from wicked ways and being tempted, that we {hive to come nea'r the forerunners Way: It was pec•.1liar:to Cbr1ft robe angry, and not to fin ; to be like us, in art points tempt~d ti ' P tH W" are, vet witL1out {in, Heb. iv. 14. wirY, this Difference, Chrilt was tempted, but cannot fin ; the Saint<: ten:'pted, but . dare qot fin. The J.Jaw of Goil honeyed with rhe Love of Chrift, hatl, a Ma;efty and Power to keep from :fin : So Chrifi made under rhe r a w fc.,r us, !fit. liii. ., "TJ.~as opprP(fPd, he •wtrs ,1(fliBed, (Opnref!i-' on will makf' a finful Man mad) b· tt 1-t eo :id rot work ul'on Chrift : He Jwas opprr;ffed, _trPr l"~e opened not his Afout h : He is bronght as a Lamb to the Shnghter ; So ~ 1l Chrirc;s followers ~id, thev are tempted, but . Grace putteth a Power of Tench·rnefs 'on them. 7(j(epb tempted, f&ith, Gen. xxxix. 9· H 'W tf117 ! dn rhis · .~reat ::.~icked· nefi, and fin ae:ainJl Got/ 'IJa_v; l is r~rroached hy SHmei, but he dare ~ot avenge him•el~ .7ob heavily, as ar.y Man, tempt~d, yet 7ob !· ::.z. In all this 7ob finned not, nor rharged God (oolijblv. l denv not, but the Temptation doth fometime ohtain half 3: Confent: Nabattempted T~­ vid, fo that h"' rdo]ved to, be aveneed. z. It wdl leave a Black and a •Crook behind it in 1ome, for their whole Life : Peter fhall be a!J his J ,ife known to he one .. h:a once fori ware hisLordo Bllt this is fearful, when Men both create Tempra- - tions,