Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

,. '· rl J 0 1.he Trial and ers Confcience in his approach to God. .but we are here to confid~r, that Chrift doth tw'> great and contrary Works at once. 1. Hr: hnmb1eth the believing Woman, in reproaching her as a pro-_ fane :Loy;, unworthy of the CbitdYPns Jlread, that the Jf;'itt may J,e more broken for believing. And z. He tryerh and tempteth her, to 1ee 1f lhe can, b_y Reproaches be taken off from Chrift. A broken Witl is a broken Beart ; for' the IVill is the Iron Sinew in the Heart ; deconrt Merit and Conceit of any good in tbyfdf, but the Unclean.. nd~ of a ijog_ And 3· Break Will, that that , proud Thing may fall in two pieces at Chrift's Jeer. And 4· Believe, fl:i k by thy Point, ~h<lt though a Dog, yet thou art Ne of Chrift',s Dow, and thrn all j~ well: 'fhe beft way to brc:ak the Wifl; is, r. To offer Hell, and the Coals of ev<.rJafl:ing burning to it; yea, and when the Soul is humbled, to humble it more : Cbrift knew, that this Woman was lving in the Duft, but he wdl have her below the Duft, when he tryeth her with fuch a. humblingTen1ptation ; many think the troubled Confcience Jhou1d 11ot be f;irther · humbled : Tltey. fay, [There .is nothjng for fi1eh 'a Soul bl.1~ the Honey and iweetneis of ConfoJarions in the Gofpel] Nay, but orten that which troubleth them, is tubti1e and i.nvifible Prjde; h~'ll not believe for .want of Self-.worthineis : ' Oh ! I dare ·not reft: on Chrifr, nor apply ' the Promifes; becaufe of my finful Unworthi- ' nefs: ' Now, if this . be Humility, it's the prou-deft Humility in the Wprld, for the Soul thus troubled, faith, ' I am not good enough nor ' rich enough for Chrift and his £ne Gold : • . .And the Truth is~ he is not a goodenpugh Papifl to