1;6 Tht Trial and Ssa~· 16 That f~lt and.apprehended Wtetchednefs ofa Sin- . ner, may ftand with a light, of Chrift's riches. of Grace, is as evident, as ihe felt pain of the fting of the fiery Scorpion, may ftand with looking · up to the brazen serpen.t, and being faved ; yea, when the poor Man, Mark i,'(, 24. faid, Lord, I hetieve, help my unbe!Jef; he both was fenfible of Faith, and Unbelief. 2. Yea, the converted ~ay well fee Grace and Holinefs in himfelf, · ( elfe how ffi.all he be thankful to Chrift the~iver) and alio fee Chrift, . arid believe his Righteoufnefs? For holy walking ·cometh under a threefold Confideration, I. c As a Duty. 2. As a mean ore dained of God that we fhould_walk in, Eph. ii. ' 1 o. 3·· As a Promife, or a thing Promifed in ' the new Covenant. ' And in this threefold Confideration, we may know how tar we may build our Peace upon any Duties, as uEon Evi:. vences of our State of Grace. I. As holy walking .is a Duty ~oming from us, it'~ no ground of true Peace ; Bel1evers often feek m themfelves what they Jhould feek in Chrift ; this is natural . Merit ; ' often we argue from the Meafure of Obedience to deny Grace altogether; this is a falfe way, efpecially 'tis a falfe way of Logick, to argue negatively, froll_l want of fuch an~ fuc~ a Meafure of Obedtence, to deny you are 111 Chr1ft ; how we may argue affirmatively, we /hall hear hereafter. 2. The Duty is Chrift's Mean, not injoined in a ftricl Law-way, but in a Gojpelway, ~as the Commandment is oyled with a Go/j;eljj;irit of Love: Law and Love ar.e not cnntrarv, as Antinomians do imaoine; Chrift has uni'red, not only Perfons, but a.lfu Graces and Virtues~ This wa,y · the Duty is a Mean, an~ a Way,