rt~s The Trial and FER. r 6 himfelf by Coyenant, to make his own Children Holy; and alio is refolved upon a Propofirion of , the Covem~nt, ofGrace. God bath both promifed to caufe his covenanted ones walk before him in Truth, as did Ezekiah; as we have jr, Fzek. xxxvi.27. and he hq.s promifed to iave and de1iv ~ r the right in Hea rt.~ as is clear, Pf. I. 2 ~· 'r ~ lxxiv. I .5· I Pet. 11.' 1 2. Pfi cxxv. 18. I 9· So all the Peace we can co!lec't for our Comfort, from holy walking, is refolve-d on a Promife of free Grace; and the· Duty as performed by the Grace of the Covenant, rpay, ancl · doth lea<i us to the Promife, :and fi> . no ways from Ch rifl, but to Chrift. }Ioly walking, is a fa :thful \\' irnefs; and a true W itnefs may lead any a(cui~d Man to ' Law-right: H?linefs may lc:ad me to _!_he Promife, and that JS good ~ !Jght : If we cannot gather any A f.furance ofout fpiritual Eftate from holy Duties in us, fuch a~ are uni verfal Obedience, Sincerity in keeping dofe to Chrift, and love to the Saints, becauie they may deceive m, and may be in Hypocrites,as Dot!or Cr~fpc faith, then may Faith alfo deceive ,us, for there may be as many Kinds of falfe Faith5, as there be of. counterfeit Loves to, the Saints: And there is fomewhat of Chrift peculiar to the ReQenerate in their Loveobedience, and Sincerity, which they m av difcern to be a faving Character and Bad?e ofChrift; no Jef~ than in ._ Faith. .z. ~ut ~ere's th~ Myftery, nrtther Faith, nor any thmg mherent m llS, can "yield us Certainty that we are in Chrift, or hav:e any Peace with God, in regard all Grace all Evidences of our Qood Eftate ~s without us in Chrift, inherent Hol ~"hefs and Duties art> but Fancies; when we refu!c th~ Comforts of God and peace · from