Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

r62 The Trial and SEtt.. 16 Dog~ lhall p.lfo ha,ve yo~~ Portion of the Children s Bread ; there s a Klis and Bo\\:'els of ('_,om. paffion under the Lap of that covering and Cloak of VY rath, with which he is covered, for in Wrath he remembers 1l1ercy, and moderateth Anger .; Fu~y is not in . me, If a. xxvji. 4· a.. Goipel Trtals & Temptat10ns are for a merci~ ful End, that Paut may not be puffed up, or as he faith, z Cr. xii, 7. hiname hyperairrmai Left I fboutd. be Jike ~a .1"t!eteor, lifted up in the Air abovf! Meafure, z Cor. r: 9. 7iut had the Sentence of 'IJeathin ourjetves (as condemned Mateja8ors) that ~1_,e jhoutd not trufl in ourfeJves . 3· God will ~ot have them above our Stre!lgth ; but the Burden and the Back are proport!O!lt:d, 1 Cc;r. x. 1 ; .• ~Trs good that we know Chrift breweth or mixeth our Cup ; he can fugar the Salt and bitter Wine with Mercy, there is no Defertion of the Saints that we read of, but there's as much of Chrift in it, as giveth it fome Tafte and Smell of Heavt:n : Hea- ·ven is fiamped upon the Hell of the Saints, Life is written en their Death ; their Grave and dead Corps are hot, and do breathe out Life and Glory, their Afhesand Duft imell of Immortality and RefurreCl:ion to Life: Even when Chrift ;is gone from rhe Church, he leaveth a Pawn br a Pledge behind him,. as Love-ficknefs for the Want of him, Cant. iii. 5· When Chrift is nothing b\l t an empry Grave, and he himfdf is away yer weeping for the want of htm, without Care of Angels er Apoftles, when the Beloved him1elfis ~one, is fomewhat of Chrift ; yea he fendeth before him a Mdfenger to tell that the King hi~felf is coming, as in a great Summer Drought, l1ttle Drops goeth before the· great Shower, to make good