SEit· T7 Tr~umph ofFaith~ "r6; good Report that the Earth fhall be refrefhed. I. Longings for him. 2. Waiting after him. 3· Chrift in you feeking after Chrift, are Meffengers of Heaven fent before to drefs and adorn the IJod_ging for the Prince, who is on his Journey commg to thee. , . S E R M 0 N. ~VII. Ver. '-'l· And foe faith, Truth, Lord, yet the :Do.r,s eat of the Crumbs that fall from their .M after's '1 able. OBferve, 1. The Womans witty Anfwer by RetQttion, in great Q?iclcnefs, by Conceffion ofthe Conclufion ; and granting fhe wa~ a Dog, !he borroweth the Argument, and tak«h it from Chrift's· Mouth to prove her ~eftion : She argueth from the Temptation : Let me be a Dog, fo I be a Dog under Chrift's Feet at his Table: Wifdom's ScholCJ.rS are not Fools: Grace is a witty and underftan'ding Spiritl) ripe and fharp ; ·fo 'tis fa id of Chrift, Jfa. xi. 3-• [11erichu] Vatablus, Odorari fa cit itlum ; Forerius, 1~ejpirare ejus erit in timore q)omini~ Grace has a Sagacity to fmell Things excellently ; fo Prov. i. 4· The W ifdom of God in the Proverbs, giveth Subtilty to the fimple ; Vatahlus duBitibus calliditatem, [Pethaim,] a Rad. (Pathah] Aquila, thelyomin~is juch as may eaji!y he milked, and flattered, ' and perfwaded ~ In young ones, Reafon jleepeth, .Affe8ion ruleth a!J : And [ Ghnerima] the 7 o panyrgia ~icknefs j n all Thi,1gs: And the other Word, [.2J1ezimmah] rendered :Difcret ion, 'tis ThougJ;fuJnefl : Grace · L z fur~