Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

i ~4 16e Trial and S"ni' 17 ft,rni:f}u~th the Soul with quick. !harp, deep Thoughts, to know a :Devil, and an AngeJ, Hea- 'lJen, and Hell, and that flolten Waters are not [11!ee t ;Heb. v. t4.They have (ll.ftheteria gegym· · nafmenatheir fpiritual Senfe~ are asWreitlers experienced, or as learned Sclaolars in Univerfities, acquainted with the Knowledge ~f good and ill. 2.. Faith is thus pregnant, as to draw faving Con· dufions. from tht hard Pr!nciples, ~nd to extratl the Sptrtt of the Prom1fes. Chrtft c;ame to fave Sinners : Then faith P aut, to fave me for; I =rim. i. 5. I am the Chief of theft .Sinners, and theugh a Temptation's Language be the Language of He!I and Unbelief; as thus, ~hou art a }inner, a loft 6nd condemned one ; ancl therefore haft nothing to do with Chrijl : Faith argueth ihe Language ofHeaven, and the Gojpel from this : l .am a finner, and a loft ove ; but one ~1 Chrtfl'j finners, and one of Chrifl's lo~ Ones, alld for that fa~e very Caufe, I belong to Chrift . 3· Faith doth here contradict: the Te!mP.fation, & modeftly refute Chrift, if Chrift fay, 'Thou art a · CJra»_{greffi,r from the Womb: Anf. I confefs Lord, '!;ut Chri(l died for 2 •• If he · fay, 'Thou art under a Cur(e. Anf. Wtth a Dithnction ; '-ti~ too true, Lord : So I am by Nature, but Chrift was madea Curfeforme. 3· Ifhe fay, :Thou haft holden me at the Voor : I confe[s Lord it is fo ; but if Chrift fay, 1 came not for thee, thou art a Vog, to fuch betongeth not Chrijl the 7lread uf Children : You may then Anfwer, 0 Lord, with all Reverence to thy hoty Maje{ly: 'Tis not jo, 1 am thine, thou didft come for me, 1/:Je 2lrearJ belongeth to me: When a Sinner dare · not \.