Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

/ SEi. 11 Triumph of F'alfh I' f not difpu!e hie; Actions wuh Chrift, yet lie.ma_y difpu~e hts Eftate: The State of Son-1h~p IS not Stn; and therefore, we muft adhere to th1s, as Chrift did, whm he was tempted ; !{thou l;e tke 8on of Ged, &c•. He refufc:d to yield that, if then . Chrift himfelf ihould fay, Thou art a Reprobate., · expo\Ind it as a Temptation ; far more if Satan, if confcience, if the World fay it, you are not to ~cknowledge thefe to be Heraulds fent to proclaim - God's Secrets; 7'ob would not believe his' Friends in this : Then to be tempted to deny your Son· fhip and Claim in Chrift, may be your Temptation, not your Sin ; Injections of Coals to try, may come immediately from God, as well as from Satan. z. It is good (fay Anti'nomians) 'I'o l9,y the Saints under a Covenant of Works, becaufo it doth this good, to make us make fori our Evidences, that Chrift is ours : Yea, fome defire a wakened Confcience, that the Terrors of God may chafe them to Chrift. But, z. That is a murmuring at God's Difpenfation : Let Chrift tu... tor me as he thinketh good, he bath kven Eyes, I have but one, and that too dim. z. We are no~ to make fad, whom God hath not made fad, Ezek. xiii. 22.. Nor to makea l-ie of Grace: Nor, 3· To ufurp the D€vils Office, to accufe a Bro... ther, far lefs youridf. 'Truth Lord, the .Vogs] Behold where humility fitteth. 1. Chrift cannot put Humility lower, it fttteth in the Duft, Luke xv. 1 9· I am not worthy to be called thy Son: 0 great Paul! What ~~ _lefs than nothing, & lefs than rhe leaft of all ? Bp. 1~1 •• 8. U1_1to ":'ewhoam_tefs thaf!th~ leaft of all .5,tl1ztS, es thts Grace geven, 1 T1m.1. z 3· I was a L 3 Per-