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SElla 17 Triumph of Faith. rr61 being a lhadow of CLiy, ver. I. 2 . But alfo by .Birth, finful and unclean, by Reafon of Sin Orj. £inal : I am therefore a Par.ry u.nw0rthy of the Anger of God; as a Beggar Js not worthy ·of the Wrath ofrhe Emperor, or a Worm of the lndigna.tion of an Angel. 4· Any Man is nearer God than the humble Soul, in his own Eyes, Pfal. :xxii. ·4. Our Fathers trt:tfled in thee, &c. v. 6. I I am a Worm and no A1an : Beca.uie Humility is ;a Soul fmoothed, ar.d lying levd with itfelf, no hiP.her than God bath fet it, Pfat. cxxxi. I. J d.o ~ot exercift myjetf in }!.reat matt'ers, or in ~hinrr,s toobigb for me: The proud Soul bath Feathers broaaer than his Neft. 5· Tht> humble Soul is a Door-Neighbour to Grace : Chrift is near a caften-down Mourner in Zion ; to rzive him Yleau ry for .Ajhes, the Garment o{Praife for the Spirit of Heavinefs, Ifa. lxi. 3· Chrift bath a • Napkin for the wet Face of a humbled Sinner. Chrift the Chirurgeon ofSouls bath a Wheel to fet in Joint the brok~n Heart, Jfa. lxi. I. There's a Saviour's H!nd in Heaven to wheel in an ill-boned Soul on Earth, Pfat. li. B. 0 what Con.fc>lation! Chrift doth both feek and iave the Soul, Luke xix. 10. The Lamb,one ofthf"lowlieil:and meekdl: Creatures, bath a Bed befide the Heart, and in the Bofom of Chrift, Jfa. xl. 1 I. }fe jhall carry the Lambs in his 'Bofom; yea, he jhatl deJiver tbe N eedy when he crit th ; the Poor atjo, and him that bath 110 Helper, , Pfal. lxxii. 1 2 .• 'fh.t Lord giveth more Grace, he re(i,fleth the Proud, and gJ-:;eth Grace to t he lfumbJe, Grace upon Grace is fi>r the Humble, .7am. iv. 6. 6. The Humble cannot complain of God's Difpenfation, 1 Snm. xv. z6. Humble :IJavid, but L4 iJ I,