Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

!r68 1he Trial and SER. 11 the Lord fa'J', I have no 'JJetight in thee, behold here am I, let bim do to me, as feemeth good to him: That I am not fettered with the Prmce of Darknefs, is ' the the Debt of Grace qn me: Tlien that you are any Thing leis than Timber and :Fire-wood, for 'Thophet, put it up in Chrifi's Compt, and ftrike Sail to Chrift, and ftoop to him. 7. Yet. is the Hope of the Humble gt:_een at the Root, 1t fhall not be as a broken Tree, Pfat. ix I 8. r. Becaufe God jhall fave tke H.umbJe., Job xxii. 2 9· z. Anti bear his :De!ire, Pial. ~- 17. 3· Revive his Spirit, Ifa.lvii. 1 5· 4 :Beautijie him with Salvation, Pfal. cxlix 4• 5. Honour 'him, Prov. xv. 33· 6. San8l1:e him, Pfal. xxii.. 26. ;. Guide him in Judgment, Pfal. xxv. 9· K Increafi his 7oy, Ifa~ :xxix 19. 9· Jltefs him~ Mat. v. 5· and give him a fure Inheritance : None can extol Grace as the humble Soul,,-Cor. xv. I o. Not I, but the Grace of God in 1rte, 1 Cor. iv, (f. I have '"written that ' ~f! be 11ot puffed up for one again(t another : 7 For who make~h thee to dijfe1~ from another? And what haft thou that thou di~(t not receive ? 1. Cor. i. 1..7. 7-8, 29. Then, becaufe thou art)ittle in thine own .Eyes, put not thyfelf out of Grace's writing, for God putteth thee in : Grace is Mercy given for Nothing, and the Promife is made to the humble: ~ In the Judgment of Senfe, every one is to eft:eem another better than himfelf, Pbit. ii. 3! Peter is to have a deeper Senfe of his own :Gnful Condition, than of the ftnful Condition of Judas ·the Traitor; Though ']Jeter being graced of God~ owe more Charity ' to himfelf than to Judas; when .7udas is a kni>Wp Traitor~ yet fho\lld not .fl\lmility' dec~ine ~ ~