.SElt. t 7 Triumph of Faith~ · - -~ 6 9' to that Extr~am, as to weak~ Fa1th,and to 1a:y, .Becaufe I am unworthy of Pardon, therefore 'tis Prefumption to believe Pardon of Sins. Uje I. Bew~re ot Pride, the Elephant's Neck and Knees that cannot bow, God muft ereak; God knoweth the Proud afar off, Pfal. cxxxviii. 6. The Word [ Gavoal?] is the high Man, the Scripture Word, Jam. iv. 6. is hyperepl1anos the proud Man is an Appearance, not a real Thing, & and an Appearance mor~ than enough: The The Phraie importeth two, 1. 'Ti& borrowed from Men, who fee Things near Hand, before they fee Things afar off, and fo more of their Eyes is £xed on that which is near Hand, and fo 'ris m0re delighted in ; we fee Things afar off &r.JJith tefs VeJ(rht to the Senfe. Lormus, §;:afi in tranfitu videre, and with Contempt. fhe humble Man lieth near God's Eye, the proud Man is further from his Eye, and feeil in the By, and with Contempt by God. 2.. A Man feeth his Ene... my afar off, -and loveth not to come near to him ; God hathan old ~arrel againft Pride, as one of the oldeft Enemiesborn in Heaven, in the breaft of the fallen Angels, and thrown o·ut of Heaven, and it feeketh to be up at its own Element, and Country, where it was born, as proud Men are cJjmbing and afpiring Creatures : But God afar off, relifted the Proud, and denieth Grace, or any Thing of Heaven, to the proud Pharifee. When God :firft feeth a proud Man, he faith, Jlebotd my Ettemy : The lowly Man, is Chrift's Friend. Ufe z. Though the Woman be a Dog in her own Eyes, and fo a Sinner; fee, 0 Simkr, r1cll Mercy, that Chrift fhould admtt of Dogs to his Kingdom : 0 Grace ! That Chnft Jhould black his fair Hands (to fpeak fo) ia walhing foul and de-