Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

·.,19 Tht Trial and SER·. 17 d.diled Do~s : How unworthy Sinn~"rs, and fo foul Sinners, that th~y fhould be under Chrift's Table, and e~t his Bread within the King's Houfe: ,What a Motion of free Mercy, that Chrift Jhould 'lay his fair fpotlefs and chaft Love, upon io black, defiled ar.d whorifh Souls ? 0 what a Favour, that Cbri(l maketh the Leopard and E'thiopi4n ~.J..'hite for Heaven ? Thde two go together, Re~v. 1. 5· Who has loved us, and wajhed us : Humble Sinners have high Thoughts of free Grace ; ftand not far off, come near, be wa01ed, for free Grace · is not proud, when Grace refufeth not Dogs; Salvation muft be a Flower plant~d without 1. Hands, that groweth only out of the Heart of Chrift. Take bm:nhle Thoughts of yourfelves, and noble and htgh Thoughts of excellent Jefus to Heaven with you : A Curfe upon the Creature"s proud Merits: If you make Price with Chrift, and compound with everlafting Grace, you Jhame the Glory of the Ranfc>m-payer : 'Ti.; no fhame to die in Chrift's Debt, all the , Angels, the Cerlars of Heaven are below Chrift; · An2:els and Saints fhall be Chrift's Debtors for Et~;nity of Ages ; and fo long as God is God, Sinners !hall be in Grace's Comptbook. . U(e ~· The truly humble, is the moft thankful Soul that is, Unthankfulnefs is one of the Sins of the Age we live in: It fbweth from. I. Contemning &' defpifing God's ln.ftruments :The Valour of .7epthah is no Mercy to Jfra-et, becaufe the E1rlcrs hate an~ deJpik a Bafiard, .7udg. xi. I, z, 6. The curing Naaman's Leprofie is not looked ~s Mercy: Why ? wafhing in .7ordan mufi do ~t, and there be better Rivers in his own Land, m :IJa-