' SEa. 17 Triumph of Faith 17t 2Janzajcus: Not only God, but all his Initruments that he worketh by, muft be Eye-fweet to us, and carry God and O_mnipotency oo their Foreheads, elfe the Mercy 1s no Metcy to uso "'· Mercies ceafe to be Mercies, when they are fmoaked and blacked with our A pprehenfions : :IJavid,_ 2 Sam. Chap. xviii. and :xix. receiv.,eth a great Vidory, and is eft:ablifhed on hi~ Throne, which had been long reeling and fiaggering of > hte; but there's one fad Circumftance in -'that Vitlory, his dear Son .Ab/atom was killed, and the Mercy no Mercy in :David's Apprehenfion; Would God I had died for.. Abf~dom : So a little Crofs·can wafh away the Seilie of a great Mercy: 'rhe ' Want of a Draught of cold Water ft:rangles the thankful Memory of God's Wonders done for his Peoples Deliverance out of Egypt, and his t. clividing the Read-fea. What a Pric,· would the Godly in Enr!:}aml have put on the Removal of. that which indeed was but a Mafs-bonk, and the burthenfome Ceremonies within thek· few Years? But becanfe this Mercy is not moulded and 01ap- · en according to the Opinion of many, with ft1ch & fuch Reformation,& Chllrch-Government,l am afraid there's fretting jn too many, inftead of the Return of P raik : And hating ofthde, for whom . they did fometimes pray; God grant that the Sufferingsof the ~and, and this un~arural Bloodfhed may be near an End: Except the Land be further humbled, I fear the End of Evils is not yet come. This is a direCl:inz--of the" Spirit of the Lord, toteach God how to fhapl- and floor his Mercies towards us. Is it not fi tting there be Water in our \Vine, and a·Thorn in cn1r R ofe? Shall God dr<iw ;he Ijneam::nts and Proportion of his f a-