Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

·I 72. The Trial antl Stm.: rj Favours after the Mea1ure of my Foot? Shall the ..A}mighty be in~ructrd to regulate his Ways of fupetnatural Providence, according to the Frame ot our Apprehenfton~! 0 he is a wife Lord, and wonde!fuJ !n Coun~el : Every Mercy cannot be overla1 Cl with Sap_htres and pr@Cious Stones, nor . .mufl: all our Deltverances drop .fweet [melting M.."~' rrhe. Gc•d knoweth when, and how to level and imooth aJI his Favours, and remove all their Knots in a fweet ProportiG:m to the main and principal End, the Salvation of1his 0wn : There IS a Crook in pur beft De1ires, and a Rule cannot admjt of a Cro(>k, even Relation to ' the Crea- . ture, far le:fS to him who doth all Things after the Counfd of his own \~ ill. Truly Lord, the Vogs] See and confider this \Voman, whofe Faith was great, as Chrift faith, and io was juftiAed : Sh ~ co;feG''eth, al'l~ eft~emeth herft- lf. a Dog, and io an unworthy and prophane Perion. - · :IJoff. A iuftified Believer is ~to confefs his Sins, to h <1 ve a Senfe and Sorrow for them, though they b~ pardqnrd. The ·Word is clear for both con· f('ffion anc~ Sorrow for ·Sin : Though Antinomians make it a Work of tbe Flefh in the juftified Perfon, either to confCfs Sin, or to forrow for it, or to era ve pardon flJr it: For Confeffion there is commandment, PraBife, Promife, Numb. v. 6 8peczk unto t l e Children of Jjrael, wh.en a Ma1z or ·a Womanjhatlcommit any Sin that JJ1en commit to do a '{reJPajs a,a-ainjt the Lord, and that Pe1~(on be guilty. T hen they jhall confefs their Sin, that the'V have done: This is not a Dl1ty of the unconverred only, but tying all the .r Children of ljrael, Men and Women, Jam. v. r6. Con-