$1R; t i 7riumph of Faith. · ·; 13 Conje{s .'YBttr Faults one 't6 'at/()t-~her : Now, ._'.tis not Confdfton to Men only, a-s tf they were Sm$ only before Men, which the jnfhified Perton committ.eth, and not ~ins in the Court of H_ea ven before God as Libertines reach; th reforeit is add- . ed, Confefs----·-and pra:v one /or .a1zothtJt, thM ve may be heated, f or the effe8uat jeY've11t P~" ayer ofa ri ~·hteous ..t.lfttn avaiteth nzurh. T hem juftified Perf(ms are to pray for Pardon of Sins 'onfdfed. I take it to be a Precept, that as many as fay, O.ur Father, to God in Pr~y~r, fhould alfo f~, Forgf.1;e us our Sjns ,as :ve ( JY;?;_i v.. l> them·' hfl.t jtn a.(!.ain(i us; artd fo Pardon of S1ns, by a J..dtl- •:lied Perfon> and a Son of G Jd, is m be asked when we pray fot d(T.i~y Jlread, and tlce cmai,zg of Chrifl's Ki1zgdom, Hof. x-iv. 2.. l'ake w! th yotJ Words, and turn to the Lorf1, f ay unto him, Take away alt Iniquity : Thi ~ muft be a Confeffion, that a Peopl~: turned to the Lord are in their Iniquities. 2.. Tlus is fet down as a commend'a ble Prac·- tice, B zra x. 1. Ezra confe/lkJ and weeped, Neh. ix. 1, 1. And the Seed of Ifrad (eparated t hemjet-ves from all Stranp;ers, and (tood and confe!fetl' their Sins, and the Iniquity ~f their Fathers., Dan. ix. 4· I praverJ unto the Lord, and made my Confef!ion: So Vavid, 2 Sam. xii. I~· 1 have· finned a~ait1(l the Lorcl. Ha. lxiv.. 5· The Church confeffeth, Thou art wroth, for we have jillned.-- -----6. :But we are _alt as an uncte-an Thint:. If:l. Iix. 11. For our 'I'ranfgreffions are nzuttipiie~ h~[OJ'e theer and our Sins t_eflifie ae;ainft us, Job vu . 20: • I have finned agatwft tbee, 0 prefer·ver ()f 111en. Pfal. x1. 1 2. MY Sins are more in l,l,_mzber thatt the Q~irs of my HeRd. Jer. xiv. 7. Our