J 7~ . . 7_ he Tri~} and . SER.: I j .Our lttttfUttteJ· tefltpe aJ?;aenfl us,-----------our- :Oack.jlidings are many. 'Tis a vain Shift to fay, The Church prayeth and confeffeth in Name of rh~ . wicked Party, 'not in Name of the Juftified , .. Ones; for as many as were affiiaed, confeffed - their Sins, for the which the Hand of God was upon them ~ now God's. Hand was upon all: 2JaniP.t and 7Premiah were carried away captive; yea, the whole Seed of .7acob, Ha. xlii. 24, 25. Ifa. lxiv. 5, 6, 7. And 7eremiah, Lament. i.I6, in "\la ne -of the whole captive Church, faith, ~he I ora is ri:;hteous,jor I have finned. 3· There is' a Promife ma'de to tll'efe that confefs, Prov. xxviii. I 3· lf/7./}ofo confejfeth and forfaket/J their Sins, jhatt have Mercy. Pfal. xxxii. 3· u ·hen I kept Silence, (and confeffed not) my :Bones waxed old, &c. ver. 5. I [aid I '!vitt confefs my ~an{if,re((ion urztothe Lord, anJ thouforgave.ft the Iniquity of my Sin. And this is not an old Teftament-fpirit only; for the fame Promife is, 1 Job. i. 8, 9· Tf~.ve confefs our Sins he is faithjut and .it~(l to forgive, Lev. xxvi. 40. If they jhaU confefs their Iniquity. ver. 42. Then ~· iu 1 remPmber my Covenant rz.vith J acob. 4: Not to conf~is, is holden forth as a Guilrineis. _7er. ii. 3 5· Tet thou faidfl, 11ecaufe I am innocent,{urety his Anger jh-a tt turn from me, behold, I will plead with. ther?, becaufe thou foytjl, I bav.~_not finned: ' 'Ttsa Tokenof Impemtency, Jer. vm. 6. No Jltfan repented him of his Wickednefs,faying, ~what have 1 ~one ? 2. Ephraim God'.~ dear Child, is brought in, as . commended of God, and the Lord telleth over again Eph,·aim's Prayhs and farrowing for Sin, Jet·, xxxi. 18. J have furety heard Ephraim be-: 19;Zaan-