Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

Sf.R. 17 Triumph of Faith. ·175' moaninrr him (elf, &c. . \'\ e havt: a Precept for 1t in the New-TeH:ament, Jam. iv. 9· 'he ajjli8ed, and mourn and weep: Let ~'V our laughter be turned to Mourning, a.nd your .'fry to Heavinefs. ro. Humbte yourfetves in the Sight (d the Lord, and he jhalt hft you up. ~ow there is b~tter Reaion to mourn for Sin, becaufe ~hey . did lufl:, War, and were contentious, than becauie there were Afflictions on them. Nature will caufe any cry, when Punifhment is on them ; but not Nature, but Grace, not the Fle.fh,but the Spirit cauferhMen forrowforSinasfin; Lev.xxvi.41. If then their uncircumcifed Hearts be humbled, and they ihen accept of the Punijhment of their ·lniquity. ver. 4'2. :Then I ~will remember my Covenant with J acob. 2. . To mourn for Sin is a Grace promifed under the New-Teftamrnt, Z~ch. xii. 10. And I witt pour upon the Houfe of David) and upon the Inhabitants of Jerufalem, the Spirit of Grace and Supplication, and #ey jhatt look upon me whom they have pierced, and they jbaU mourn, as one mourneth for his only begotten Son. 3· Thofe for whom the Confolations of Chrift are C)rdained, are the Mourners in Zion ; but the Confolations of Chrift are riot for legal Mourners, and fuch as are weary and laden for Sin, and yet never cometh to Chrift~ .m,r believeth : There's no Promife made to fuch Mourners, as Cain and .7udas were. Can we fay that God promiieth Grace and Mercy to any Ads of the Flelh, or of Unbelief ? 4· 'Tis a Mark 'of a Confcience in a right Frame, to be affected with the Senfe of the leaft Sin, as 'IJa,vid was one, in whofe Confcience there remained the Character of a Stripe, when he but cut the Lap of Saul's Robe, z Sam. xxiv. 5· Aod