,. I I~i~ '!'he Trial and SEit: I 7 5· And when w1cked.Men fin, the-ir Confct'ence is paft feeling, Eph. 1v. 19. And feared qvith ~tn hot Iron, 1 Tim. iv. 2.. It is not an Argument of Faith, apprehending Sin pardoned not to mourn for Sin, an.d confefs. it; for .if this b~ a good Argument, t~at ~f we bemg J.ufbfied, cannot but t>ut of Unbebef, forrow for a Sm, thar before God is no Sin; as it is, Jer.l. zd. fully removed and taken £way, Job. i. 29. Mich. vii. 19. Caft in the 4JJepths of the Sea, (as Libertines argue) for tken (fay th~y) rr.J.'e were both to betieve, that that Sin remaineth;1 and maketh the ju(lifted. Per(on tiable to etern at Wrath, and Jo tojorrow for it, as Sin before God; and alfo to believe that it is taken a:way, and maketh the Perfon not ti· abte to eternal Wrath, which are contradillo• 1'J'· ' If this (I fay) were a good Argument, then were we not to efchew Evjl, and to be averfe to ~ the aaing of Sin. before' it be committed; for by the Doctrine ·of Antinomians, All Sins, even ere they be committed, yea from Eternity (fay fome) are as fu1ly taken away and pardoned, a~ ,afterthey be committed, and as when we do now believe and repent ; tor if we were to have a Will averfe to the acting of Sin, before it be committed, it muft. be upon this Ground, that it,is Sin before God, and not taken away by Chrifl:'s Death, elfe we ~110uld nvt abftain from it as Sin ; but this is a falfe Ground to A11tinomians, and incbnfiftent wtth the ObjeCt of Faith, which is . to believe this Truth, · '.lhat all Sins pafl, preftnt, and ~o · iome, are equal!r; remvved, pt~rdoned, ~rea, and tn Chr~(l taken away, as if they never had been :- And io forrow fhr Sin ,ommitted, being an Atl: of t.he