Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

Stn~: i? · Triump_b of Faltli: ' i.,., the fanB:ified Will difpleafed with Sin, if it be unlawtul, the Will of the jufti6ed Perfons is npt , to be ditpleaied with iL:, ere it be committed ; but by the contrary, if h~ is not to be difpleafed with fin 'ommitted, but rather to will its Commiffion; not to forrow for it,: becaufe he believeth 'tis parconed, and in God's Court 'tis no fin to him, being in Chrift; by the, fame Ground, ere it be committed, in G9d's Court 'tis no fin ; and fo;. neither can he be di fpleafcil with it, ere it be corn... mitted, but may alto will it, and believe 'tis pardoned, and he ought to have no AB: of Rernorfe, nor Relutl:ance of Confcience, which is God's Solicitor, before the committing of it ; Fot · how .is it not equally an Atl: of the Plef4 an<l Unbelief, to fear Sin to be committed, as not par• coned in Chrift, as to fear fin already committed, as not pardoned ? 2.. If it be a Lie, and an AB: of unbelief fi>r any juftified Perfon to fay, (Lord I bave finned) 0 God thou know1f my FDoJifo.. nefs, and my -~'ins are not hid from t bee,) a juftified Va'vid faith, Pfal. lxix. 5· In regara all his Sins are pardoned, and the Man in Faith, contrary to the Senfe 'of his weak Flelh, is to believe that they are all taken away. Upon the fame pretended Ground of Faith, he is to fay, Lord, I jhaiJ never fin, though I am to commit . Adultery, and to murder innocent Uriah to Jl.for- ·. row ; jpt thou, 0 God, neither to Morro'Zt': mr at any Time, doft fee my Footijhnefs and Sins) Lecaufe the Sins to come ~re equally removed, and taken away in .the free J uftification of Grace, as. the Sins already paft. Mr. Baton faith, '10 hold'J that whm God. bath juflijied , both us and our Works, God'et feeth us in the lmperfe8i~n of M ,()llr_