l7~ · · T'ht 7Yial and SEll. 17 tJvr Sant!i/itation, is another evident Mark of an · J!.ypocrite, that was n_iver·yet truly humbled for the 1mperfe8ion of his San8ification ;·--r- -:Out theft Jmperfe8ions of our SanEJijication are left in us to om· Sen{e andfeeling, that they may l;~ hea_led in our ' .7u.fli/icati'on: And he bringeth d1ver£e Reafons to prove, That we are not both righteous in th~ Sight ofGod, and yet Sinners in rmrfelves, Let me Anfwer, That .A11tinomians in this join Hands with the Council of'Trent, who curfe us Proteftants; becaufe we fay, '.lhe Guilt ,of Original Sin is taken away in Yiapti(m, but that Sin, and that which is effentialty Sin, tl'T_ve!Jeth in us, while w~ are here, as the fail Complaints Df ju(l~lied Saint'S do teflifie,asChemnitiusobferveth: Yea, .Andradius faith, as Antinomians do, that we put Blafpheo'1y upon Chrijl his Nerit s and Grace, 'tZS if he could not in a Mo· ment wafo us perfe8ty from all Sin : And what · Arguments Papifts ip this point ufe, the fame doth Baton and Antinomians ufe alio ; ye~J but juftified Job faith, Chap. ix. ;o. ]J I wajh myfetj with [now Water, and make my H anr!s never fo clean ; v. 3 1. Tet jhalt thou piunge me in the Vitch, ana mine own Clothes foaJt abhor me. Job. :xl. 4· :0£'f:olrJ I am vile, what jball I anf..ver thee ? Thus :Jo~ after he was by God's Pen declared an uprtght Man, . faith of his own ways, in his Sufferings : And 9Javid, a , juftified Man, faith Pfal. cx1iii. z. Enter not into 7udJment with thy'Servant,jor in th'v_{ifJ'ht jha!J no flejh he juflifierl; yet Job and !/)tJvirJ were not Hypocrite~ ' . SE R-