Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

S E R M 0 N XVIII.· ... NAy, give me leave to fa~y, that Antinomians make J uftification and free Grace their common . Place of Divinity, as if they only had feen the JTiflons of the A lmighty, and no other ; but they are utterly ignorant thereof: For they . confound and mix wha·t the Word diftinguiJh- : eth becaufe J uftification is only a removal of fin by a Law-way, fo that in Law it cannot actually condemn, Rom. viii. I There is no Con:.. demnation ta them that are in Chrifl .7efus. ouJen ·katakrifon he. faith not, audenkalukri.fon nothing that deferveth Condemnation ; nihil- C{)ndemnabik: So that in Law, all Obligation to external punifhment, called RP.atus perfonte, the Guiltinefs of the finner is removed, and he fhall 11ever be condemned for Sin, becaufe Chrift did bear that Guilt for him : Hence we fay, in this regard 'tis Blafphemy to fay, that Tear!J of.finners do walh away fin, that forrow for fin and fafting p:!ctfieth, or removeth God's Wrath; for my part I never ufed fuch Popijb and unfavory Speeches Papijls do, and we mufi: diftinguilh between the lax Rhetorick, an:d the ftriCl: Divinity of Fathers. But z. J uftification is not an -Ablition of fin in its real Eifence and Phy- \ ftcai indwell}!lg· J uftified Paul figheth and cryeth, Rom. vu. 1 4· ' I am eamal, fold undedin, ' ·v. 18. I know that in, me, that is in my flefl1, " dwelleth no good. v. 24. 0 wretched Man that ' I am, who !hall deliver me from the body of ' this Death. ' Now if the Senfe of the corrupt Fle!h make thefe Complaints in :Job, :JJavid, M z · Paul, ,