Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

:t t'o T'he'n·ial and S11t i 8'· Paul, and if iinful Fleih oppofite to Faith, apprehending the juft contrary in 'Ckrift who juJUjiet!l the jinner, aw~ll not in us; Then I. 'IJaioirf, ~~ob, Paul, did lie in thefe Gonfeffions ; for to lpe_ak contrary to ~he Language of juftifying l'atth, ·muft be a Lte. ~. Th~y were l}Ot really carnal, and fold under fin, but only according to the finful doubting and apprehenfion of the Flefh: P aut's crying out of the body '()f Sin, was an irrational, fle.ilily, and Hypocritical Complaint. 3, We are not to grow in the Grace of SanClificati. on, and abftinence fro!D yielding to the Motions ·of the Flefh, becaufe~ If there be nq ftnful Imper• fetlions in our Sanelif.cation, we are not' to grow jn Grace really, but only in the faJfe and hypocrit1cal Apprehenfion . of the Fie/h. 4· If God fee nothing of fin in the Saints after their J uftification, then there can be no fin in them after J uftification, and io the jufti6ed cannot fin, except they may fin, and yet God cannot fee them fin contrary to P{ttl. lxix. . 5·- cxxxix. r ,_ 2, 3· Yet ,.7ohnfaith, even of himfdt, and o thofe who ha v<.7 an Advocate in Heaven, 1 7r5hn ii. l. 'That if l ~ we fay we have no fin, we dec~ive ourfdves, • and the Truth is not in us, ' 1 John i. 8. Now he · cannot fpeak of :Men as confidered in the State of Nature and unjuftified, becaufe to anfwer a doubt of weak Confciences, who faid, Oh! if we have :fin, then are we eternally loft and condemned : He anfwereth, I. The juftified are to Confefs, ver. 9. and God is faithful to forgive. :z.. He anfwereth, 1 .7ohn ii. 1. If we fin, we b~ve an AJ.vocate wilh the Father. 5· It nrufbne... vitably follow, that Chrift comman. di~~ thefe who have a Father in Heaven io pray (;orgive us