Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

SEtt. 18 · Triumph ofFaitb 't 8 t' us our (ins,) commandeth them daily to ·pray out of a fleihly doubting, not from the Spirit of Faith; I had rather fay with Scripture, that all t.he juftitied Saints muft take down their Top• Sail, a_nd go to Heaven haJ~ing, an~ that they car.. ty their Bolts & Fetters oftridwellmg fin throegh .. the Field of frt>e Grace, even to the Sates of.GJo..· ry, Chrift daily wafhing and renewing Pard0ns, and we daily aenling, ~to the enl that Grace! 1nay be GrRce. f) ·" · 6. Yea, the Scripture is moft clear, that the · faireft Face . that is now Ihining in Glory, was once even in the;! Kingdom of Grace, and in the. State cf Juftification~ blacked with fin, and finburnt by reafon of. fin dwelling in them ; 1 'Kings viii. 46. [For there is no Man that finnetlt not.] This is a Black put Oil' the Faces of all' J..-1en dwelling on the Earth; amongft:' which you muft reckon juftified and pardoned Souls EccltJ. vii. 20. 'For there is not a juft Man upon the ' Earth that doeth good and finneth lflot: , Then there's a Thorn in our Faireft Rofe, ZlavirJ's ; Sun Jhines not 1o bright, but there's a Clot1cl ~oing over it; in eyery jllfi:ified Man's Good he doth, in every Sacrifice he offereth, there's fome Dung ; (The Sun hath looked ?n him; ) .Augu.f tine had the fame Controveriy, but on anothet• Ground wirh 7ulian, who alfo of old, conceited that juftified Souls were free of inherent fin, as Libertines now teach, but Augufline faith a1way, ' That fin dwelleth in the Regenerate, but it is ' not imputed, and Concupifcence after Baptifm ' is removed : ' Non ·ut n~m fit, fed ut non imJ>lltetur : ' Not that it is not, but that in the ' Court of J ufiice it i~ not reckoned on our fcore : » M 3 .But