Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

"'tli :!he Trial anti . SER. IS .But which it is more than evident that J uftification is not fuch an Abolition of . Sin in its Root and E!Rnce . as Ihall be in the State of Glory, when Root and Branch Ihall be abolifued, and not,only fhall Juftification free us, as· it doth in this Life from all Law-guilt, and Obligation to Wrath, which is but .A8us Secundus, the fecond Atl of Sin, the EffeB:, not the Effence of fin, but alfo SanB:ification being perfeB:ed, all indwelling of· nn lhall be removed ; Sin "'in the jufiified bath. but Houfe-roorn, and ftayeth within the Walls as a Captive, an UnderJing, a Servant, it bath. not the Keys .of the Houfe to command all, nor the Sc~pter to rule: All the Keys are up· on Ch.rift's Shoutrlers, far lefs hath it a Lawpower to condemn; therefore faith Augujlineexcellently, Cont..7ulian, Lib. 6. C. 5· Sa:tat vitiatum a reattt (tatim, ab infirmitate' paulatim : God healeth the finner from his Guiltinefi (its a Law-word, and a ,Law.cure) prefently, but from bis .Infirmity by degrees, by little and little. And Gregory, Mora.J-. Lib. 29. C. z. §)_tjif/ in • hac vita omne's qui veritatem fequimur, n/ji Aurora jumus ? Aurora enfm no8em prttteriijfo. nunciat, nee tamen rfiei clariatem itta [atis 't?.fienclit, feci rfum ittam peUit, (:) hac jiijcipit, lucem tenebris permixtam tenet,fio.; nos quttrlartt ;am qu~ lucis font agim_us,. ~ tamen in quihuff/am af/huc tenebrarum reliquiis no1z caremus: The holieft in this Life, is but the dawning of the Morning, we are halfNight, half Day~ Prov. ~x. 9· ' \\'ho can fay, I have made my Heart 4 pure, I am clean from nn ? [ mi joma~] W h? · can fay I have a clean Heart, and not he? Ltiertines can tay it, in a higher Manner than :f!a- . p~~