S~k. t8 Triumph if Faith. ·rs; . pi(ts; who acknowledge that Venials, litttle Sins, and Motes are in us always in this Life, but it may be this is the OtrJ-ie(lament-Spirit that fpeakerh, as they fay; but the Apoflle, Rom. iii. applieth the Pfal. xiv. that ftoppeth all Mouths . ot th~ World, as fo 'many guilty Malefactors at the h1gh Bar of Heaven, ·and he proveth · that no Flefh, not ZJavid nor the Holieft on Earth can be .juftified by Works, either done by the Strength of Nature, or by the help of Grace : Now~ if there be no indwelling fin in the juftified Perfon, we anfwer not Papi(is and Petagians, ' }Vho fay, 'That we arejuftified by Works done ' by the help and aid of Grace after Regenerati- ' on, bur not by the Worb that we perform by ' the Strength of Nature; , For ifthere b~ no indwelling fin in the Regenerate, all their good Works muft be perfect and finlefs, and can draw no Contagtion from an impure Heart '; becaufe, if there , be no indwelling fin, and no imperfect Santlification in us (as Mr. Eatoh faith, it's Hypocrify fo to think or fay) how can an i r"p~ue Heart de fi le thefe Works, that are done by the aid of Grace? For· that which i~ not, bath no Operations at all ; if there be no cont8rgious 'Fountain, and no indwelling Sin, but Root an~ Eranch be remo~ed in J uftification, then iuch a Fountain cannot defile the Actions, 7a. iii. :z.. In many things we offend all ptaiomen apantes a Metaphor from Travellers walking on from or 1lippery Ground, Rom~ vii. 2.4. ' 0 wretched ' Man that I am) who ft.all deliver me from the ' body of this Death ? If this was but the Flelh and Unbel ief that made this Complaint, tnen the Combat ~etwe~n the F1efh and. the Spirit, · Jhan , M 4 c:ome