'!84 1.ht ~ial anJ SER. t8 come from the Fldh ; n•,w the conflict of two Contrar.iest fuch as are the Flefh and the Sptrit, is not from the one more than the other, but i'<1ua1ly from both; the Conflict betwe-en Fire and Water, i~ neither from the Fire only, nor from the Water.o~ly1 but from both yoking together; \ .yea, certata tt ts, that the Flefh cannot, and doth not complain of its own Motions againft the Spirit, fin c~mnot complain offin, it'sthe renewed Part that cornplaindh of the Stirrings and Motions of the unrenewed Part: Sait!n is not dividt;d againft Satan, nor fin a~ainfi ftn: ~Tis true, the fi~s of (the juftified ar~ iaid to be fought, _and not found,) .7er. l. zo. And our Tran:fgreffi- . ohs are faid (to be blotted out, as a thick Cloud, and to be rememhred no mnre,)J(a.xliii. 25· Ifa. :xliv. zz. Pfal. li. I. ' And to be fubdued, and ' cafi: into thr depths of the Sea. .~.lfic. vii. I 9· ' rand we "'J..'a.fbed, Rev. i. 5· Pfal. li. z. And ' made whiter than the Snow, v. 7· And ChriiPs 4 Church is fo undefiled, fo f1ir as the Moon, clear ' as the Sun, Cant.v.2. chap. vi. 10. 'That Chrift himfelf giveth a Tefiimony of her, Cant. iv. 7· ~ Thou ~rt all fair my Love, there is no Spot 4 in thee .; , All which are true in a Law-ienfe, (and in legal and moral Freedom) from Sin, m regard the finsoftheJuftified & wafhed in ChY~ift's Yilood, fball rto more be charged upon them to their Condemnation, than if they had never committed any fins at all, and as if their fins were no fins to witnefs againft them in Judgment, they being cloathed wtth ChrJft's white and fpotle~s Righteoufnefs ; for they are in · their aCtual G uilt, as touching the Law-fting:md Power, as :tlO U.ns. no Debrs, but obliterated Jn the Book of · ·· God,s