Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

St;J., tS . Triumph of Fd.ith~ · 'tl$. God's Accompt,& as a blotted out Ctould, which is no Cloud, in which regard they muft be white and fair whom Chrift wa fheth : I profefs it is tweet to to be ·dipped in the new (Fount~~n opened ..o the Houfe of 'IJavid, and the lnhabttants ~ of :Jeru(atem, fi>r fin and fi>r uncleanneis,) and under the fweet and fajr Hand of the Mediator, that he might wafh us ; I know he fhould nnt be a fhamed of his Labt>ur, but fhould make fair and white Work. But . in regard. of the inheren~ Root, E!fence, and "·formal bemg of fin, the Samts are not freed ar.d delivered from fin, hut thefe fame fins, though broken in their Dominion t~ com• mand as Tyrants, are removed and taken away, G)uoad actuatem reatum A:.ternte mortis, in their Law Demerit and Guilt; yet do remain ancl dwell in the Saints, while they are here in thi1 Life ; and theft: two removals of fin clifft"r much, the former is a Law-removal of Sin, not the removal o~ the E~nce and being of fin, the othe~ removalts a Phyfical removal in Root & Branch; and therefore done by degrees, according to th~ Meafure of begun Santl:ification, and Ihall never -. \ be perfetl:' in this Life, while that habit of Sanctification which is contrary to fin Phy:Cica1ly confidered, fhall 'be introduced, and the Perfon perfeCl:ed in Glory; whereas the former removal is fo perfea, as the Perfon is made Spotlefs & w hirer than Snow : which two Removals offin, may be thus illuftrated, there is a Man defiled with Leprofie in his Body, this 1s a Phyfical Contagion, the fame Man is condemned to die for- a \ high Point of 1 '(reafon againil: the State and Prince, ' this is a. Law ContfZI!,ion: The Phyfi-. cian cured• him ot his f~profie, by a phyficalEx!-