Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

'rS6 The Trial and Snt. 1 S ' ~::ll:puHion of the Difea{e but by degrees, & by lutle an~ little, and maker? at length his Skin · as the Skm of a young Child. 1 'he Prince and State fendeth to him a free Pardon ofhis Treafon, and he is at once perfectly acquitted from bis .Guilt, but the Princes Pardon .cloth not Phyftcally, and. real}y expel out of his Perfon the · Shame, the Inherent Blor and Infamy ofhis foul and treacherous DiOoyalry, that h~ committed a- .gainft Prince a,nd State, io as this Pardon fhould ' tranfubftantiate and change him by a phytical Tranfinutation into a Perfon as innocent & blame- ' lefs, as any the moft loyal Subject of the Kingdom, the Pardon putteth only upon him a Lawchange; and a moral Immunity and Freedom from a Jhameful Death,; and Chrift's Pardon in like Manner dot.h remove a Law-obligation to eternal Death, fo as there's no Condemnation to the Man, but it removerh not the inherent and phyfical Blot, not the real Obliquity between his foul-fin, and the fpiritual Law of God ; nor cloth it make him perfeB:ly Sinlefs and Holy, as if he had never finned, as Antinomia'I'IS dream: So, the Juftification of the Saints is like the free acquitting of a broken Man, that hath borrowed thoufands, 'and is unable to pay, the cancelling of his Btll, freeth him in Law, from paying the Sums, but doth in no Cafe make him a Man that never borrowed Money nor cloth it free him from tbat inherent Blot of Injuftice, in regardof which he is a broken Man, wh0 hath wafted his Neighbours Goo~s ; but perfeB:eth SanB:ification, expellerh fin in his Effence, being Root and Branch m its Dominion, Lordly Power indwelling; fo that it is no more : And this is like the exp~Ilmg