SEt\. 18· Triumph of Faith ·187 ing of Night-darknefs out of the whole Body Of lae Air, by the prefence of the Sun diffufing its 13eams and Light, from Eaft to Weft, and North and South. I grant the habit of Sanelification perfeCted. in Glory, doth not make it a fal1e Propo1ition, that fuch a pardoned apd walhed Saint never finned, for FaCJum infeCJum fieri non potefl: What is done can nerner be undone ; · that were a fpeaking ContradiCtion, but it putteth the Man in that ftate, that he is as free of the indwelling of the body of Sin, ·and perfetlly Holy, as the Body of the Air at Noon-Day is free of Darkneis, and qualified with inherent Light: Now, Anti· nomians cannot endure (efpecially ' Mr. Baton their chiefLeaderJthat we fay, Sanctification is perfeB: in this Life, or that the indwdling of fin ' can confift with free· J uftification and Remiffion of Sins in Chrift"s Blood : But let us turn our Eyes a little toward the Wiidom of God's free Difpenfation, to ican the Reafons why our Lord will have juftified Saints to go halting to Hea· ven. I. 1Ie can at our firft Converfion make us glorified and perfeCted Saints ; but 'tis his Wifdom to take a Time and Succeffion to perfeB: his Saints ; he took about thirty and three Years on Earth for the Work of our Redemption, & would for. three ,Days lodge in the Grave, as it were a Ne1ghbour, ' To our l?ather Corruption, and the ' Worm our Brother and Sifier, 7ob xvii. 14. ' though he faw no Corruption,' Pial. xvi. 10. He bath been dreffinv.: up the hjgh Palace of Glory, ·his Father's H~ufe,· thefe fi~teen hundred Years,ifhe be pleafed to take Months & Years to the Wor~ of th~ applying of the pur<:hafed Re- . - ldem..