Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

· J !S The 'Trialsnd SEtt -~ ~ . demption; whereas he might &eould nave done it in one Tnfiant, as he created Light out ofDark- ,tlrfs with one Word: We are to be filent, his W iiCtom .in fo doing is fufficient for us ; the fec<' n•~ Hf..'aven, and the new Light in the redeemed Soul is done by continuing Afis of Omnipo... tency ; the firft Heaven was fuoner made. Shall it feem hard to us~ that our Midnight, our full Noon-Day-Light ofGr~ce are notexiftent in C'ne Infbnt together? We are to wait on in pat i rnce~ and not to fret that we cannot at our firit' Cnnver6'on pray out of us the indwelling Body of Sin, and figh out the Weight~ Sin that tkth , fo hard£c; b~{et us~ Heb. · xii. 1. God is wife who· will .have our Day to break and dawn by Del!rees, and our fhadows to flee away; and our Snn to rjfe to Noon-Day-Light, through length of Time; if a Creature, yea, the moft excellent of created Angels fhould but fit at the Helm of thi~ great World to rule and govern all Things hut for ft,rty eight Hours, the Sun fhould not rife in due Time, the Walls and covering of the great Building of the World fhould fall, the Glohe of the World, and of the whole Earth (Jhould rrel to and' fro, and ftagger 1ike a drunken Mao,) an .fhould go to Confufion ; and fo if we had a ' V. orld of Grace of our own carvin!!, and had it in our wife Choice to 11:0 from the firft Moment of our New-birth to Heaven, withouf Sin, we .fl1ouJd' lofe ourfelve8I by the way, and take on new Deht~ that fhould require the new and frefh crucifying the Lord of Glory: \Ve fhould be no better Tutor~, Governors and Lords to oqrfelves, thal! Adam an~ the Angels that fell : Th_e We1ght of a Samt's ·, Heaven and Hell upon h1s own